The time is in CEST/Stockholm time.






Reflections on transport vulnerability and resilience research: past, present and futureLars-Göran Mattsson
9:30-10:30Session 1A, COVID-19 impacts and modelling 
9:30-10:00Urban traffic congestion evolution patterns during the COVID-19 pandemicJian Li, Pengfei Xu, Weifeng Li and Tian Gan
10:00-10:30Simulation-based Mitigation of COVID-19 Outbreaks on Rail Transport NetworkRui Xue, Zhiqiang Ma and Xiaoning Ma
9:30-11:00Session 1B, Freight and logistics 
9:30-10:00Investigating Defence Strategies against Quantal Response Adversaries for Cyber Security in Logistics ManagementKam-Fung Cheung and Michael Bell
10:00-10:30Relief Goods Delivery Plan in the Last Mile Considering Disaster Situation: Mixed Integer Programming Approach in a Time-Space NetworkWataru Nakanishi, Naoto Ogashira and Yasuo Asakura
10:30-11:00Improving Multimodal Transportation Network Reliability on a Strategic Freight Corridor: Case of Eastern Economic Corridor in ThailandSarawut Jansuwan, Aphisara Ketphongchai and Anthony Chen
12:30-14:00Session 1C, Traveller preferences and time valuations 

Misperceptions and intuitive statistics: A comparison of actual and perceived travel t  lsgime reliability

Emily Moylan, Michiel Bliemer and Taha Hossein Rashidi
13:00-13:30The value of travel time marginZhaoqi Zang, Xiangdong Xu, Anthony Chen and David Z.W. Wang
13:30-14:00Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headwaysJaime Soza-Parra, Juan Carlos Munoz and Sebastián Raveau
12:00-14:00Session 1D, Railway service and network 
12:00-12:30Improving the punctuality and reliability of train services in Great BritainJohn Armstrong and John Preston
12:30-13:00A Stochastic Model for Railway Network Reliability: Analysis of a Periodic Train TimetableIsmail Sahin and Mehmet Sirin Artan
13:00-13:30Resilience analysis in railway networks: combining link restoration and traffic managementNikola Besinovic and Raphael Nassar
13:30-14:00Scheduling Multimodal Alternative Services for Managing Infrastructure Maintenance Possessions in Railway NetworksJacob Trepat Borecka and Nikola Besinovic
12:00-14:00Session 1E, Location and routing problems 
12:00-12:30An exact algorithm for the green location-routing problem under demand uncertaintyMengtong Wang, Michael Bell and Lixin Miao
12:30-13:00Saving cost by the deployment of Autonomous Mobile Lockers (AMLs) for last-mile deliveriesJun Li, Michael Bell and Hamidreza Ensafian
13:00-13:30Optimal Park-and-ride Facility Location and Fleet Sizing to Enhance the Resilience of Transport NetworksElise Henry, Angelo Furno, Nour-Eddin El Faouzi and David Rey
13:30-14:00Vulnerable Road User Personalized Optimum and Dynamic (VRUPOD) Routing 

Info! Three main thematic threads: Red thread , Blue thread and Green thread .

Further information to be announced.
